The Basics: Your Journey to Healing Begins Here

Embarking on a journey to overcome cancer using natural and homeopathic methods can be both empowering and challenging. My personal experience has taught me that approaching cancer as a “condition” rather than a life-threatening disease can make a world of difference in your mindset and healing process

Lifestyle Changes: The Foundation of Healing

Eliminate Harmful Habits: If I was smoking or consuming alcohol, I would understand how crucial it is to stop immediately. These habits can significantly hinder your body’s ability to heal

Nutrition Overhaul: I adopted what what I call the “Starve the Cancer/Tumor” approach. This meant:

  • Cutting out all sugar, including fruits
  • Eliminating carbohydrates
  • Focusing on organic vegetables and free-range meats
  • Check out my recipes page for some yummy ideas

Creating a Healing Environment

Your surroundings play a vital role in recovery. Here’s what I did:

  1. Deep Clean: I hired a maid for a thorough house cleaning, removing dust and pet hair. A clean space can do wonders for your mental state.
  2. Toxin-Free Zone: I removed all toxic chemicals from my home, including laundry detergents and cleaning products. This step is crucial for reducing the toxins you breathe.
  3. Air Purification: Invested in a new HEPA-filtered air purifier and cleaned the filters I already owed. 

Nurturing Your Mental Health

Positive Mindset: I made a conscious effort to avoid negative news and information. Instead, I committed to watching at least one comedy or comedian daily. Even more importantly I limited my conversation with family and friends regarding my condition. Discussing my cancer/condition with people creates negative energy and puts added stress on the immune system. Additionally, weather you want to believe it or not it is hard on friends and family as well. More than likely they want to be able to talk with you as usual not have to know the entire conversation is going to be able having to feel bad for you. Stay gounded and positive. YOU GOT THIS!

The Battle Within

Think of your immune system as an army fighting multiple battles. By eliminating toxins from your environment, you’re freeing up more “soldiers” (white blood cells and Natural Killer cells) to focus on addressing your condition or tumor. Remember, this journey is unique to each individual this is what worked for me. Always consult with healthcare professionals before making significant changes to your treatment plan and ALWAYS get a second opinion.

I committed to all the following steps on the road to healing. Think of an army that must fight multiple battles. For every toxin you keep out of your environment, you have more soldiers available to fight the disease. Read More…

I will show you one overwhelming evidence of how the mind heals almost every known illness. It’s time to open your mind, stare into your soul and take your body back. If you are ready to do this, your healing has already started. Read More…

My diet consisted of everything that did not contain sugar or carbohydrates. My research led me to understand that cancer needs sugar for energy. I starved it of that sugar, while enjoying healthy clean foods filled with vitamins and minerals from chicken soups to sautéed vegetables. Read More…

Is your family drinking filtered water? If so, the water has ZERO mineral content. Surprised? The push for organics is not just about pesticides but the soil our non-organic foods are grown in are now missing many vitamins and minerals. I added mineral support to my routine as well as these key vitamins. Read More…